Admission Arrangements
Decisions regarding placement are made by the Local Authority which has detailed admissions procedures and clear criteria on the basis of which placements in a particular school can be made.
Before naming a school on a child’s Education, Health, Care Plan, the Local Authority must consult the governing body of the school, usually through the Headteacher.
All our pupils’ special educational needs are detailed in a statement or Education Health & Care Plan issued by the Local Authority. This is prepared for all new pupils entering school. We admit pupils who have severe, profound and/or cognitive learning difficulties as documented by a relevant and qualified professional.
The admissions procedure is as follows:
a) Request for Education, Health, Care (EHC) Assessment made to EHC Panel, using reviewed ‘My Support Plan’.
b) EHC Panel agree to request, assessment initiated and information gathered from family and all relevant agencies.
c) Parents/carers are made aware of provision available and visit school(s).
d) Statutory Assessment Meeting held to identify outcomes for the child and consider educational settings and their Health and Care needs.
e) Documentation sent to EHC Panel to consider whether it is appropriate to issue an EHC Plan.
f) Draft EHC Plan sent to parents/carers and Local Authority consult with school(s) regarding placement.
g) Educational placement agreed, start date arranged and final EHC Plan sent to parents/carers.
h) Placement begins.
i) Normal review procedures.