Parents and Carers
Looking after your mental health
Kingsland School offers support for parents and carers. The mental wellbeing of our families is important as this impacts positively on their ability to cope with any challenges or difficulties. Good mental health and wellbeing in families also impacts positively on our pupils.
Star Bereavement Grief support services for children and young people in the Wakefield District
Carers Wakefield & District A voluntary organisation providing advice, information and support to unpaid carers across the whole of Wakefield district.
CAMHS Helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being
Children's Occupational Therapy - That makes sense Understand and support your child's sensory processing needs
Growing Healthy Wakefield 0-19 years Service supporting the health development and wellbeing of children, young people and their families
Growing Healthy Wakefield 0-19 years -Downloadable App Service supporting the health development and wellbeing of children, young people and their families
NHS Every Mind Matters Looking after your mental health
NSPCC Children's Mental Health Advice
Young minds Supporting you and your mental health
Oral Health Foundation Dental care for people with special needs
DadPad Essential guide for new dads, developed with the NHS
Wakefield's Start for Life Offer Advice, guidance and information for new families: from pregnancy to your child's early years
ICON Useful information about infant crying and how to cope
The Lullaby Trust Coping with sleep deprivation as a new parent
The Lullaby Trust Bereavement support
Childline Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through.
Contact - The charity for families with disabled children Supporting families, bringing families together and helping families take action for others.
Listening Ear (Contact) 1-1 telephone appointments for parent / carers looking for emotional support
Live Well Wakefield Supporting healthy living for the people of Wakefield
Mencap Information about the support your child can get and how you can get it for them.
Samaritans If you need someone to talk to, we listen. We won't judge or tell you what to do.
Touchstone - Here for you Out of Hours Support in a Safe Space
Turning Point Support & advice for anyone experiencing problems with drug and/or alcohol use.
Wakey Wellness App - Downloadable App Designed specially for Wakefield children, young people and families
West Yorkshire Healthier Together Website Advice for parents, young people and pregnant women
WF-I-CAN Online resource for children and young people in Wakefield
Clare's Law Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme
Benefits calculator Find out what benefits and other sources of financial help you may be eligible for
Cash Wise Money worries? Cash Wise provide a free, helpful service offering money management and benefit support.
Cost of Living Advice Find out whether you're eligible for financialm support for your household living costs
Wakefield Council Cost of Living Support
Wakefield District Health & Care Partnership Cost of Living Support