
Stanley Site

01924 828990


01977 513769
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Kingsland Primary School

Children at the heart of all we do

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Parent and Pupil Partnership

Parental involvement and “partnership with parents” is a vital aspect of our school life.

Parental support is essential in order to increase each pupil’s achievements whilst at school. This can take many forms such as helping with reading and talking to your child or sending in items to support our topic work. We will often send work home with pupils or request that parents work with their child at home on a particular areain order to reinforce skills learnt in different settings and to aid practice. All of this demonstrates a unity of purpose and gives security and structure to the pupil’s relationship with home and school. The school has a homework policy, a copy of which is included at the end of this section for your reference.

Parents are welcome to visit the school.

The school has a parents’ room in the main building and rooms within the annexe, which we actively encourage you to use at any time or if you wish to meet as a parents’ group. We have a group of parents who meet weekly and parent courses are also available. Please contact school for details. Parents have already worked very hard to raise funds for our school, for example by organising sponsored events, donating items for raffles.

Communication between home and school is essential. Classes use the homeschool book to communicate immediate events. Our Parent Support Advisor’s, Beverley Muhl (Stanley site) and Katie West (Castleford site) are available to support links with parents.

Coffee mornings are encouraged and classes hold their own coffee mornings to give parents an opportunity to talk to each other and discuss areas of common interest.

A parents’ evening is held once a year in the autumn term for teachers to speak to parents about their work and to discuss pupils’ individual education plans (IEPs).

An opportunity is provided during the spring term for parents to attend a class coffee morning and make an appointment to meet with the class teacher. Parents are encouraged to attend the Annual Review meetings held at school to discuss their child’s progress and review their Statement of Special Educational Need.

We welcome parents working as volunteers, especially on minibus outings,hydrotherapy, and the school swimming programme.

Parents are entitled to have access to certain documents housed by the school and are welcome to contact the headteacher if they wish to consult any of the following:

We consult annually with parents to gain their views on the quality of education that the school is providing and to gain feedback about areas where we could improve our provision.


Kingsland Primary School

Stanley Site

Aberford Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4BA

01924 828990

Castleford Site

Poplar Avenue, Townville, Castleford, WF10 3QJ

01977 513769